Brynn Hasbrouck: Artist of the Week

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Park Avenue Elementary School second grader Brynn Hasbrouck made a good impression right from the start of the school year with art teacher Julie Cosco.

“The very first day of art, I needed a pencil,” Ms. Cosco said. “Brynn immediately came to my rescue and ever since she’s been a shining star. She’s helpful and thoughtful and very friendly.”

Park Avenue Principal Bill Biniaras describes Brynn as a very inquisitive student who always asks many questions.

The first art project of the year was to draw a spider web in the style of abstract artist Piet Mondrian. The first day Brynn drew the outline of the web in the classroom.  She started coloring parts of the web in the next class, which took place in one of Park Avenue’s outdoor classrooms.

“We are studying the work of artist Piet Mondrian, and Brynn has been very interested in him,” Ms. Cosco said. “She even looked up his artwork at home with her aunt to show her who he was.”

Brynn said she likes Mondrian’s art because it has lots of patterns. And although Brynn included a spider in her drawing, actual spiders are not her favorite creatures.

“They creep me out,” Brynn said. “But I love seeing the spider webs outside when it rains and the sun hits them in the morning.”

Art is one of Brynn’s favorite subjects. She also draws at home, usually pictures of characters, like Darth Vader, from movies that she has watched. The best artwork she does at the dining room table gets displayed on the refrigerator. Brynn also enjoys music class and writing assignments in school. Outside of school, sports are a favorite activity. She has played on soccer and basketball teams and hopes to try volleyball next. 

 Photo provided

Brynn Hasbrouck, second grader from Park Ave. Elementary School is the Artist of the Week.