


Last week, I welcomed a contingent of cadets and their leadership from the United States Military Academy as my honored guests at the Capitol in Albany. That day marked the 72nd West Point Day, one that the Legislature looks forward to every year. 

The vision of West Point belonged to President George Washington who sought to establish an institution devoted to the development of Army officers and engineers. His vision was realized, and now it sits, overlooking the Hudson River, the oldest continuously occupied regular Army post in the nation. The structure is a garrison, but it is also a beacon to the values emblazoned on the school’s coat of arms—duty, honor, country. A reminder to all who see it of the work and sacrifice of those men and women who built this country, and threw their lot in on the great experiment of democracy. 

I was honored to welcome the West Point cadets and their leaders to Albany, and it put me in mind of all our veterans around Orange County and greater New York. I firmly believe in my duty to support all veterans, and am proud to co-sponsor a bill that recently passed the Senate that would establish a property tax exemption for veterans with a service-connected disability. 

Disabilities obtained while serving can make finding work and housing difficult, and those veterans with injuries from service deserve to have their financial strain lowered. I am always looking for opportunities to ensure our gratitude has a measurable impact upon the lives of those who sacrificed in service to our country. 

Last Tuesday was a wonderful day, full of reflection and gratitude for our past, and filled with hope for what the future holds. I am proud to represent West Point and prouder still of New York’s long legacy of service to the protection and betterment of our country. I am grateful to West Point and to all the veterans throughout Orange County, New York, and this country.