FVP Purl2

Friendly Visitor Program is Learning Experience

Local News News & Updates

     Town of Warwick resident Lisa Bacenet saw a Friendly Visitor Program (FVP) palm card at the Albert Wisner Library last year. The thought of doing volunteer work in her hometown with seniors appealed to her. She became a volunteer in September of 2019 and has been active with helping neighbors since then.

     When learned that her ten-year-old daughter, Lianna, wanted to learn to knit, Lisa had an idea. She contacted Jean Corbi Ciappa, Coordinator of the FVP Volunteers, to ask if any of the seniors in the program might be interested in teaching a girl how to knit.

     Jean reached out to Mary Jacobus, who was looking for volunteers to bring her to medical appointments and also visit regularly.  As Mary is a prolific knitter, Jean asked if she would be interested in teaching a child how to knit in the course of regular visits from a FVP Volunteer.  Without hesitation, Mary agreed.

     Now, during visits, Lianna is learning to knit, and she and her mom are so happy to have met Mary.

     If you are interested in volunteer work, or if you need help getting to medical appointments or food shopping, consider calling the Town of Warwick Friendly Visitor Program at 986-1124, ext. 400.