Hudson Valley Backyard Jazz Series

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We’re writing you to let you know that musicians, in this case jazz musicians, are creating a ray of optimism in the fog of challenge. And they’ll do so for the second time this coming Sunday afternoon in a small backyard in Warwick.

  The Backyard music series is designed to keep folks reminded of the joy of live music and the many wonderful players here in the greater Hudson Valley.

At this time, we present a weekly two-hour concert with limited band size and a small number of invited guests. Those who respond to this email address or social media “event” are invited in order. 

  We’re not looking to create large crowds. Just keeping the idea and support of live music going. Folks can also hear and mostly see by walking by the adjacent street. Of utmost importance is to embrace the benefit of doubt toward some guidelines including physical or social distancing, and use of face masks, and their value to everyone’s best interests.  We believe taking these steps now, as difficult as they are is best for a successful rebirth.

   Live music is an honest self-realizing shared collective experience.  It (the music), works when the benefit of the group is achieved by the actions of folks working together. It is a unique glimpse of a consciousness that allows for individual freedom, expression and identity by this agreed goal – that being to make music.

  You can’t fool it or debate its validity as it’s self-evident through the result whether it’s the classical orchestra, the opera, rock and roll, R&B, country or jazz.  The ingredients and chefs are different, but it’s cooked up the same way. In the spirit of all that, we not only present this series, but encourage others to as well. Keeping it considerate, like the music. Small shows outdoors in someone’s yard.  

  The sound of live music in clubs, restaurants, village greens and theaters has been silent for a while, but the heart and soul of the musicians continues to create. 


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