


We have a responsibility to protect animals and try to eliminate harm done by humans. April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month, and in honor of that, the Senate has passed a package of animal protection legislation, including my bill, S.3431A. If signed into law, this will change the state’s enforcement of dog- and cock-fighting, making it a felony offense. This will allow law enforcement to take fingerprints and mugshots after making arrests, and allow sentencing to take into account the number of animals subjected to harm. 

Animal fighting enterprises have the potential for significant, unlawful financial gain. The dog-fighting industry is, according to some estimates, a billion-dollar underground economy. Money is also made through the illicit breeding, marketing, trading, and sale of animals, enterprises that can double as an economy for narcotics or weapons traffickers as well. 

There are seven other bills included in the Senate’s package that provide further animal protections. These range from restricting the practice of surgical devocalization on dogs and cats, to enacting the Big Five African Trophies Act, which prohibits the importation, transportation, and possession of lions, leopards, elephants, rhinos, and giraffes. 

These bills will add important protections for the voiceless in our society. I was proud to see my bill pass through the Senate, and I will continue to advocate until it’s signed on the Governor’s desk.