Greenwood Lake PBA Hosts Bike Rodeo

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By Janmarie Foschini

On Sat., May 15, the Greenwood Lake Police Benevolent Association (PBA) hosted a bike rodeo for the children in the community with over 30 children attending. The event has been a staple in Greenwood Lake since 2013 when Detective Sergeant Leanne Gayler and other members of the Police Department began this event for the children in Greenwood Lake. 

Although the event could not be held last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the children in the community were reminded last year about bike safety and police officers who spotted children in helmets “pulled them over” and rewarded them with ice cream certificates and those who were not were reminded of the importance of wearing a helmet.  

This year’s rodeo included safety checks on helmets, tires and overall inspection of the bicycles. Children participated in an obstacle course, using hand signals and had a lesson in proper bike safety. Rules and safety were reviewed, and four bicycles were won during this event. 

“This is one of my favorite parts about working for the Greenwood Lake Police Department. May is Bicycle Safety Month and I urge parents and caregivers to teach their children about bicycle safety and to wear a helmet. I’m always here to answer any questions anyone may have about bicycle safety and help in any way,”said Detective Sergeant Gayler.

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On Sat., May 15, the Greenwood Lake PBA hosted their annual Bike Rodeo for the children in the community. The event included helmet checks & a safety review.